
Featured in Wisdom

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  • Even Napoleon Could See The Temple Would Be Rebuilt

    “Why are those Jews crying?”

  • The Thief And The Pomegranate Seed

    Before his hanging, the thief made an offer.

  • The Hidden Holiness

    In trying to become a holier person, one can go astray despite donning the garments, behaviors, and thoughts of holiness. 

    The Lubavitcher Rebbe had a beautiful teaching about this…

  • The Definition of Soulmates

    Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz was asked, “Do you believe in soulmates?” 

    He said, “It’s quite true that God decides before we’re born who the right spouse is for us, but it is not necessarily true that God decides such a couple will be happy.”

  • A Prayer for Israel’s Enemies

    Master of the Universe, please help our enemies see with their eyes and understand with their heartsbefore it is too late.

  • Can You Disagree With The Whole World And Be Right?

    “Truth does not become more true because the whole world agrees with it, nor less so even if the whole world disagrees with it.”

  • One Should Taste Every Permitted Food

    Rav Chizkiya said in the name of Rav, “In the World to Come, every person will be called to account for everything his eyes saw, but of which he did not eat. 

  • What are the Noahide Laws?

    The Noahide laws are laws given by God to all mankind. They’re fairly straightforward, but like anything in matters of faith, there’s endless depth available for those who inquire.

  • RUN-DMC and Rebbe Nachman

    In youth, one learns to talk; in maturity, one learns to be silent.

  • A Teacher Like Mrs. Schreiber

    She Believed In Me

  • A Note to Young Rabbis from a Passionate Jew

    I was recently invited to give a talk to rabbinical students. The first thing I did to prepare was ask my kids, “When have you seen a rabbi being excellent?”

  • The Bride With Many Souls

    On the 15th of the Hebrew month of Av, the maidens of Jerusalem would go out dressed in white garments and dance in the vineyards.

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