
Her New Son-in-Law 🤣

Two mothers argue over a prospective son-in-law for their daughters.

Yankel and Moishe ride a train across Poland, thinking about their brides – whom they’re about to meet for the first time . Suddenly, Yankel stands up and says, “I’m not ready for marriage. I’m not getting married!” He grabs his suitcase and runs off the train at the next stop.

Moishe watches him go.

A day later he reaches his destination, where the two mothers of the prospective brides are shocked to discover there’s only one groom on the train.

“He’s mine!”

“Not on your life! He’ll marry my daughter!”

Moishe lets his prospective mothers-in-law argue over him for a while, then suggests they all go to the Rebbe for a ruling.

“The solution is plain, per the wisdom of King Solomon. Cut the boy in two, and each of you take half.”

The first mother looks shocked.

The second mother says, “Yes! Cut him in half.”

The Rebbe points to the second mother and says, “That’s the real mother-in-law!”


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