  • Topics covered:Chapter 3, Mishna 1, 2Making a bird offering to atone for corpse impurity. If someone says he is nazir for 30 days but shaves on day 30, has not fulfilled obligation, because specifying 30 days (rather than accepting the …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 9Vow of nazirus with “if a son is born” conditions and multiple terms of nazirus. Must be enough time to grow hair so that it can be shaved. Negating days and owing days from first term …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 8When term of nazirus is interrupted and re-started. Dispute between R’ Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Backstory of their relationship: R’Yochanan bathing when bandit RL comes by, RY inspired RL to study Torah and marry RY’s sister. …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 7, 8Vowing to become a nazir if one has son. There are four genders, so what constitutes a son? What if a child dies? Situations where a second pregnancy fulfills the original vow or new vow. …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4, 5If no length of time is specified, nazirus lasts 30 days. Can you take nazirus vow while intoxicated. Confused people making vows. Making stipulations contrary to Torah law. Being “like a nazir.” Can a …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4, 5 If no length of time is specified, nazirus lasts 30 days. Can you take nazirus vow while intoxicated. Confused people making vows. Making stipulations contrary to Torah law. Being “like a nazir.” …

  • Topics covered:Chapter 2, Mishna 2Vowing not to eat beef. What constitutes a vow of nazirus? Making a vow regarding opening doors. Making a conditional vow. Can a cow or a door be an offering? Does the reason for taking a …

  • Rav Anan made a small mistake withy big consequences. The prophet Elijah ceased visiting him, and co-writing their book. Rav Anan made an atonement, and ELijah came back, but it was different than before… How does this connect to Cain …

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