
🛎️AT Daily! is Sal’s live show (Facebook and YouTube at Accidental Talmudist) based on the Daf Yomi cycle of Talmud study. The cycle began on January 5, 2020 and with God’s help, Sal will elucidate every page of the Talmud (2,711pp) over the next seven and a half years!

Sal generally goes live on Facebook and YouTube at 6pm Sunday-Thursday, 12pm Friday and about an hour after Shabbat ends every Saturday. For Jewish holidays, same schedule as Shabbat. All times Pacific.

The Talmud is a vast reservoir of Jewish wisdom based on the oral tradition which stretches back to the Revelation at Mount Sinai, when God appeared to two million Jews and transmitted the Ten Commandments, the Written Torah and the Oral Torah.

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:Two people claim to own the same piece of land because 1) my ancestors owned it, 2) I inherited from my ancestors and 3) I”ve been loving there for over three years.If they each have two …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:Is burden of proof on the one who claims ownership or the one whose lived there three years?How to determine who has authority to sell field?If claimant shows up and says, what are you doing on …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:What is legal difference between irrigated and non-irrigated field?Are three harvests sufficient to establish presumption of ownership?When a piece of land is claimed validly and returned to its owner, is produce also returned?When does owner need …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 13, 14, Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:What if tree leans over onto neighbor’s field or public domain?When may one cut a tree that is partially in public domain? When must one cut the tree?How can overhanging branches …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 12Topics covered:How far from neighbor’s field does a tree need to be planted?Why is rule different in EY and Bavel?What is necessary distance between palm tree and vines?Should a productive fruit tree ever be cut down?Who has …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 10, 11Topics covered:Where can and can’t one establish a tannery?What is relevant of “frequent” re: winds/tannery?What does it mean that G-d’s presence is in the west or the east? Isn’t G-d everywhere?How are winds different that come …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 7, 8, 9Topics covered:If dove chick is found between 2 dovecotes, who owns it?When does majority take precedence over proximity?What if unknown corpse is found between two towns?What is relevance of bird/creature that hops?What is relevance of …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4, 5, 6Topics covered:Can outsiders sell wares in town every day or only on market day?What courtesy is extended to Torah scholars?How to determine if stranger is Torah scholar?What did Adda bar Abba do wrong re: …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 3Topics covered:When do you have a right to ask neighbor to keep quieter?Can one prevent neighbor from opening store in courtyard?How does orphan learn without father to teach him Torah?What was Yehoshua ben Gamla’s proclamation re education?Can …

Key Dafs

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2 Another Key Daf! We’ll be divided into three groups on the Day of Judgment. God tips the scales for most people in their favor because He is merciful, but there will be an accounting …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 2 Key Daf! Four times a year we’re judged for different purposes. Some say every day, some say every hour. How does Rosh Hashana connect to Yom Kippur? Which actions will cause us to be judged …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 5, Mishna 2 A spectacular page! Apropos a verse about the end of days which explain why men and women celebrated separately during Sukkot in the Holy Temple, we enter an extended digression on the nature of …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 4, Mishna 2 Why do we say bless God for commanding us to perform a commandment that was actually instituted by the Sages, and which does not appear anywhere in the Torah? Which blessings do we say …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 4 The fine linen garments of the High Priest on Yom Kippur were fine indeed! Apropos the wealth of one High Priest who was also a Sage, Rabbi Elazar ben Harsum, we learn that one …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 6 People crowded on the Temple Mount for Festivals, yet they all had room to bow and confess privately. This leads to an AMAZING discussion of the ongoing miracles in the Holy Temple, especially the …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 What was the Ark of the Covenant? What was in it besides the Tablets of the Ten Commandments? Was the original Torah Scroll inside it too? Was there a second Ark that was carried …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 1, Mishna 5 What is tumah, ritual impurity? How does to relate to tahara, ritual purity, and kedusha, holiness? How is tumah a acquired? How is it transmitted? What are its degrees? What are the consequences of …

  •   Topics covered: Chapter 6, Mishna 1 The first commandment is “Be fruitful and multiply.” If it only meant “Reproduce,” then “be fruitful” would be redundant. Be fruitful is the secret to life: bearing fruit is what we souls were …

  • Load More Key Dafs

The Talmud’s core is the Mishnah, written around 200 CE during a Roman persecution so intense that our sage Rabbi Yehuda the Prince feared the Oral Torah would be lost if not set down. The Mishnah is terse and coded, and thus requires interpretation and elucidation in order to be understood. The next layer of commentary was the Gemara, added around 500 CE in the Jewish community of Babylonia, where the centers of learning moved to escape Roman persecution. The Mishnah plus the Gemara equals the Talmud, but the oral tradition never stopped moving forward, with commentaries added in ever century since.

Now Salvador Litvak will attempt to add his own commentary via 40-60 minute live show every day for seven and half years. Sal generally goes live on Facebook and YouTube at 6pm Sunday-Thursday, 12pm Friday and about an hour after Shabbat ends every Saturday. For Jewish holidays, same schedule as Shabbat. All times Pacific.

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