
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1129 πŸ₯Š Reish Lakish vs. Rabbi Yochanan πŸ‡ Nazir 14

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Topics covered:
Chapter 2, Mishna 8
When term of nazirus is interrupted and re-started. Dispute between R’ Yochanan and Reish Lakish. Backstory of their relationship: R’Yochanan bathing when bandit RL comes by, RY inspired RL to study Torah and marry RY’s sister. Friendship later ended and RY despondent by RL’s death. Law is usually like Rabbi Yochanan. If nazir desecrates nazirus by corpse impurity must bring bird offerings then start count over. If nazir contracts tzaraas: days of being a metzora don’t count as nazirus. Difference of opinion between RY and RL re: contracting corpse impurity during an interruption because of tzaraas. When nazirus ends but before nazir brought offerings he contracts corpse impurity. Is shaving indispensable to end of nazirus? Majority say nazirus is done even before shaving. When is a nazir flogged if he becomes impure? There is a difference in law between violating nazirus by shaving vs. contracting impurity, or is there?

nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #tzaraas

Opening song: Jungle sounds

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