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  • Table For Five Ki Teitzei: Protecting Others
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  • Chapter 5, Mishna 7 If someone bought trees on somebody else’s land, does he own the roots too? If those trees die, can he plant more trees there? How to define growing out of trunk vs. growing out of roots? …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 5, 6 Why does Torah compare a righteous person to both palm and cedar? What is relevance of number of cedars, 7 or 10? If someone buys two trees from field of another, do they own land …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 4, 5 Is water included in sale of cistern? If water is added to consecrated cistern that is sold, can buyer use cistern or water? When is he liable for misuse of consecrated item? If one consecrates …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 3, 4 What is included when donkey is sold? What is the meaning of “and the kumni” and what is relevance? What is relevance of vessels being on the donkey or not on the donkey? When are …

  • 1000 DAFS TO GO! Chapter 5, Mishna 1, 2 How does one acquire a promissory note? What needs to be specified at time of sale and why? What is difference from transferring a promissory note and transferring a letter? When …

  • Chapter 5, Mishna 1 When has ship formally changed hands? How is an animal acquired through passing? Through pulling? Is it enough for animal to lift two legs? Can you compare a ship to an animal re: transferring ownership by …

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