
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1325-1326 🍹 If I Buy You A Drink, Will You Marry Me? πŸ’ Kiddushin 8-9

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Topics covered:
Chapter 1, Mishna 1
When is appraisal necessary in betrothal by money equivalent? Does betrothal take effect as soon as money is paid? Must it be paid in full? Do you need to return collateral if the borrower needs it? If a woman takes the money then throws it, was betrothal created? If husband offers loaf of bread but she gives it to dog, is that a valid betrothal? If woman accepts gift but doesn’t indicate she wants betrothal, is she betrothed? How is betrothal created with a document? How is becoming betrothed like leaving a marriage? Does sexual intercourse create betrothal? Does it create a marriage in cases of rape or adultery? When is rapist punished by stoning?

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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