
🛎 AT Daily! ðŸū SIYUM! #1316-1318 💔 Permitted To Divorce Her or Obligated? ðŸŠķ Gittin 88-90

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Topics covered:
Chapter 9, Mishna 7-10
May a get be written in two columns? May witnesses sign a get in a language other than Hebrew? If a husband is coerced by a Jewish court into divorcing his wife, is the divorce valid? What if coerced by a gentile court? Does the court listen to rumors that a wife cheated? Or that she was betrothed to another man before she married? Or that she was divorced from her husband with whom she still lives? If a wife cheat on her husband, is he obligated to divorce her? May a husband divorce his wife because he simply grew tired of her? If this is legal, does that mean he suffers no other consequences?

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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