
๐Ÿ›Ž AT Daily!ย #1730ย ๐Ÿบ The Problem With Pomace Wine ๐ŸชŸ Bava Basra 96

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Chapter 6, Mishna 2

What if wine is sold and after sale it turns to vinegar?

What if buyer agitated it and caused it to sour?

What blessing do we say over beverage that is made from grapes but isnโ€™t exactly wine?

Who are acheirem?

If one poured water over pomice and making liquid 3 parts water, 1 part wine, do we say pri hagefen?

What if itโ€™s one part wine and seven parts water?

When are grapes grown for wine tithed?

How wine-like does mixture have to be to require tithing?

When is pomace โ€œwineโ€ forbidden toa non- priest?

What is the ruling regarding consecrated pomace?

What is difference from inherent sanctity and sanctity that inheres in its value?

What is tamad and what is relevance?

What are the seven liquids?

What is relevance of if tamad was made with rainwater?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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