  • Chapter 3, Mishna 7Topics covered:What is relevance of bailee’s motivation for moving barrel on his property?When a thief returns what he stole, is it necessary for him to inform the owner?How are theft laws similar to storage laws?What is relevance …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 5, 6Topics covered:What is formula for calculating decrease of produce?What causes decrease?What is difference if deposit was a large measure?How to define a large measure?Why are there different numbers if same measure was used in both cases?What …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 4Topics covered:What is property of a captive?What is property abandoned by owner?What is property forsaken by owner?What is property of a minor?In which of these cases does the court allow, or appoint a steward?Who is qualified to …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 4Topics covered:Why can’t bailee touch produce in his possession?Why can’t bailee sell the produce?What is meaning of term “therefore” in this context?What is relevance of rate of deterioration?What is relevance of one preferring one cob of his …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 3Topics covered:What if two people deposited different amounts of money with one person, when they come to collect each claims he made larger deposit?What if bailee doesn’t know who he owes money to?What if deposits come in …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 3Topics covered:What are distinctions between sin offering and guilt offering?How do the same false oaths produce different outcomes?In our case, how can renter be liable for guilt offering and borrower liable for sin offering, and vice versa?What …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1, 2Topics covered:What is difference between law of deposits and law of collateral?When is creditor or debtor obligated to take an oath?What if collateral is stolen?How can creditor trust the debtor?What if owner of palace receives deposit …

  • Chapter 3, Mishna 1Topics covered:What if animal entrusted to unpaid bailee is lost or stolen, but bailee doesn’t want to swear an oath?To whom does thief pay double payment?What is legal difference between an animal or vessel deposited with unpaid …

  • Chapter 2, Mishna 12, 13Topics covered:Who gets priority for help, enemy loading or friend unloading animal?Why would you have to prioritize helping your enemy over helping your friend?Does this apply to a non-Jewish enemy?Why does a Jew have more obligations …

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