
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #200 – πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Is The Torah Destined To Be Forgotten?! – πŸ•―πŸ•― Shabbos 138

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Chapter 20, Mishna 1

Though Rabbi Eliezer is often more stringent than his colleagues in matters of Torah law, he more lenient in the case of creating, and suspending a “wine strainer” on a Festival. He even permits straining wine on Shabbos if it the device wassuspended before Shabbos. What is the difference between their rulings? Is it possible that he permits something which the Sages deem a Torah violation? One of the issues at stake is whether a “tent” has been created. Erecting an actual tent is a Torah violation on both Shabbos and Yom Tom, Festival. What about suspending an object like the wine strainer – is it “building” or is it “like building?” Can a wearing a broad brim hat be like erecting a tent? Should we be concerned that a hat may blow off our heads in the public domain on Shabbos? Why is a woman prohibited to wear a “City of Gold” on Shabbos? Rav Huna brings a teaching in the name of Rav suggesting that Torah is destined to be forgotten among the Children of Israel. Why would he say that? Has it happened? How do we prevent this unspeakable tragedy from happening?

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