  • Topics covered: Chapter 3, Mishna 1 Comparing the stringencies that ensure the purity of vessels which handle non-sacred foods, non-sacred foods prepared for “chaverim” (who made sure to eat all foods in a state of ritual purity), and sacrificial foods …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 4, Chapter 3, Mishna 1 Unless you intend to guard yourself from ritual impurity to the standard required for the degree of holiness associated with a particular type of food, you are deemed impure with …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 4 We can immerse in the ocean to achieve ritual purity. What about an ocean wave? What intention is required when washing for various mundane and sacred foods?    #Judaism #halacha #Torah #judgment #God #Jerusalem …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3, 4 May we do work the day after Shavuos? Why do we wash our hands before eating a meal? What constitutes a meal? Why were some foods only eaten by Priests? Why were some …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 3 Beis Shammai and Beis Hillel debate whether we can bring certain offerings on Shavuos itself or wait until the next days. The Boethusians and Sadducees take the debate one step further with respect to …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2 Why was Rabbi Akiva able to “ascend in peace and return in peace?” Who were the “pairs” of Sages who transmitted the Oral Tradition, and what was the thorny issue they couldn’t resolve …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1 Taking a closer look at Ben Zoma, who died when he ascended to the mystical realms, and Elisha ben Avuya, who went bad and came to be known as Acher or “Other.”    #Judaism …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1 The EPIC stories of Sages who ascended into the mystical realms! Who returned, who was harmed, who went bad? How did they do it? What holy fire resulted?    #Judaism #halacha #Torah #judgment #God …

  • Topics covered: Chapter 2, Mishna 1 Delving into, or tiptoeing around, the visions of Ezekiel and Isaiah, to the extent that such dangerous material may be shared in a public forum…    #Judaism #halacha #Torah #judgment #God #Jerusalem #HolyTemple #tumah …

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