
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1152 πŸ₯˜ The Pots and Pans of Gentiles πŸ‡ Nazir 37

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Topics covered:
Chapter 6, Mishna 1
Bread soaked in wine adds weight and volume to small amount of wine, and can thus trigger liability for eating the minimum prohibited amount of wine. Does β€œpermitted food combines with prohibited food” apply to rest of Torah? Even if you’re not going to eat any of prohibited substance but its flavor was imparted onto a permitted substance, is it prohibited? Legal status of taste of forbidden food is like eating the forbidden food. Vessels of gentiles can be purged and rendered kosher by passing it through fire to make sure that none of flavor from previous foods remained in pot. Therefore flavor of prohibited substance is like eating substance.

nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #exegesis #hermeneutics

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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