
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1149 πŸƒ A Koy Is Not A Fish! πŸ‡ Nazir 34

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Topics covered:
Chapter 5, Mishna 5, Chapter 6, Mishna 1
A koy is a kosher animal with characteristics of both a domesticated and an undomesticated animal. Relevant to ambiguous vows of nazirus. Let’s get down to basics re the law of nazirus. If nazir consumes more than an olive-bulk of a grape or its derivatives he becomes liable to receive lashes. Are other parts of grape vine permitted? Only the fruit of the vine and any product derived from it is prohibited. Wood/leaves/shoots etc are not included in prohibition of nazirus. Now let’s look at how the Sages used two different types of interpretive principles in deriving what’s included in the nazir’s prohibition to eat products of the grapevine.

nazir #nazirite #wine #vow #temurah #exegesis #hermeneutics

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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