
#783 ๐ŸŒˆ Why We Donโ€™t Stare At A Rainbow ๐Ÿ‘ Chagigah 16

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Topics covered:

Chapter 2, Mishna 1, 2

Why was Rabbi Akiva able to โ€œascend in peace and return in peace?โ€ Who were the โ€œpairsโ€ of Sages who transmitted the Oral Tradition, and what was the thorny issue they couldnโ€™t resolve for generations? Who was Menachem, that was replaced by Shammai?


ย #Judaism #halacha #Torah #judgment #God #Jerusalem #HolyTemple #tumah #tahara #merkava #mysticism #maasehmerkava #maaseh bereshis


Opening song: Hod vโ€™Hadar by @JoshWarshawsky

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