
πŸ›Ž AT Daily!Β #1733Β πŸ‘Ό The Wings Of Angels πŸͺŸ Bava Basra 99

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Chapter 6, Mishna 4, 5, 6, 7

What size were cherubs/statues of angels in the Temple?

Why does it say 30 cubits tall in one verse and 20 cubits in another?

What is the verse teaching us by considering only the height above the cherubs?

What were the ten constant miracles in the Temple?

How much physical space did cherubs occupy? 

How were they standing?

How does behavior of Jewish people affect the positioning of the cherubs?

Why did cherubs come to mean children?

If one must go through property of another to reach his cistern, why is there a lock on both sides?

If one owns a garden under garden of another, when can he go to his garden?

If someone is selling water channel through his property, what is required size of channel?

What kind of trees can be planted near water channel?

What if banks of water channel collapse?

Can one with public thoroughfare on his field appropriate it and provide alternate public path?

What is width of different kinds of thoroughfares?

Can a person execute judgement on himself even in circumstances that would cause him a loss?

Can one ever exchange a public path through his property for an alternate path?

Opening song: Hallel at Beis Medrash Hancock Park

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