MatotMassei Matot-Massei: When Is The Time For Zealotry?
Why did God demand a slaughter of the Midianites?
Pinchas Pinchas: May Our Leaders Learn From Moses!
The transfer of power from Moses to Joshua was a moment of grace and spirit.
Balak Balak: Your Donkey Knows Better
Hired to destroy the Jewish people with words, Balaam couldn’t even subdue his donkey.
Chukat Chukat: Did The Punishment Fit The Crime?
Why was Moses forbidden to enter the Promised Land?
Korach Korach: Are Some People Truly “Holier Than Thou?”
Moses faced a colossal leadership challenge from Korach.
Behaalotecha Behaalotecha: A Light Unto the World
How does the Menorah differ from all the other vessels used in the Holy Temple?
Nasso Nasso: What’s With All That Hair?!
Who is the nazir, and did the Sages approve of his vow of abstinence?
MatotMassei Matot-Massei: Conquering The Enemy Within
The soldiers didn’t just survive, they elevated.
Balak Balak: May All Our Enemies Become Our Advocates!
Did Balaam really believe he could out-negotiate God?
Chukat Chukat: The Most Mysterious Law In The Torah
How can contact with the red heifer defile the ritually pure, while purifying the ritually impure? Table for Five: Chukat Edited by Salvador Litvak, the Accidental Talmudist This is the statute of the Torah which the Lord commanded, saying, Speak …
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