
🛎 AT Daily! #189 – 🗝KEY DAF! The Deeds Rewarded Both in this World and in the World-to-Come! – 🕯🕯 Shabbos 127

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Shevut ecompasses Rabbinic decrees designed either to protect us from committing Biblical transgressions or to enhance the sanctity, spirituality and beauty of Shabbos. The first Mishnah of Chapter 18 teaches that we may move some of our stored produce to make room for guests or to prevent the stoppage of Torah study, but not all of it. We don’t want to get into cleaning or reorganizing projects on Shabbos. Hospitality to strangers is greater than receiving the Divine Presence! We learn that from Abraham, who excused himself while hanging out with God in order to attend the three strangers coming in out of the desert. This precept joins several others in a list of mitzvos we read every morning in our prayerbook which includes honoring parents, visiting the sick, escorting the dead to their final resting place, and of course Torah study which is equivalent to them all. For these actions we enjoy the “fruit in this world and the principle remains for us in the world to come.” One item listed here in our daf is “judging others favorably,” and we learn a beautiful story about a worker who did not ascribe bad intentions to his fabulously wealthy employer when he could not pay the man’s wages at a critical time. The employer turned out to be the great sage R’ Eliezer ben Hyrkanos and the manual laborer was the great Akiva before he started learning at age 40.

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