
๐Ÿ›Ž AT Daily! #672 SIYUM! ๐Ÿ™ Pray For Meโ€ฆ And I Donโ€™t Have To? ๐Ÿฏ Rosh Hashana 35

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Topics covered:
Chapter 4, Mishna 10
SIYUM! Rabbis and Rabban Gamliel debate whether listening to a prayer leader exempts one from reciting his own prayers on Rosh Hashana and other occasions. Law follows Rabban Gamliel. Can the prayer leader even exempt one who doesnโ€™t come to synagogue? It depends…

#festival #Judaism #halacha #Torah #mitzvos #shofar #prayer

Opening song: Im Eshkachech by @yehudagreen

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