
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1284 πŸ— KEY DAF! πŸ› The Epic Tale of R’ Yochanan ben Zakkai and Vespasian Caesar πŸͺΆ Gittin 56

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KEY DAF! #1284 Gittin 56 – green
Topics covered:
Chapter 5, Mishna 6
Why was Jerusalem destroyed? Why did Bar Kamtza betray his own people to Romans? Why didn’t R’ Zecharia and the sages bend the rules to save the Jewish people? How did Nero’s conversation with schoolboy change Jewish history? Why weren’t three wealthy men’s offers of help accepted? Who were the zealots and why did they sabotage their own people? Who was Marta bas Beysos and what happened to her? How did Abba Zecara help Yochanan ben Zakkai escape? How did Yochanan ben Zakkai’s request to Vespasian save the Jewish people? What did Titus do when he conquered Jerusalem? How did Titus cause his own downfall?

Opening song: Rainforest sounds

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