
πŸ›Ž AT Daily! #1575 πŸ— KEY DAF! 🐍 The Epic Battle of R’ Eliezer & The Sages🧣 Bava Metzia 59

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Chapter 4, Mishna 8
Topics covered:
What is exploitation in words?
What is verbal mistreatment?
Why should we not be like friends of Job?
How is penalty for verbal mistreatment different from one for monetary mistreatment?
Who are the three who don’t ascend from gehinna?
What are consequences of humiliating someone in public?
What are three sins that reach the Divine presence immediately?
Why does Rabbi Eliezer deem oven of achnai ritually pure?
Why do others deem it impure?
What is relevance of achnai/snake?
What is lesson of oven of achnai?
Why were the Sages not convinced by an open miracle?
How Rabbi Akiva show respect to Rabbi Eliezer while telling him of excommunication?
What happened to world after excommunication of Rabbi Eliezer?
What is the β€œprocess” of Oral Law?

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