
A Hug From God

Using Our Entire Body

Sukkot is the only mitzvah into which a person enters with his muddy boots.”– Chassidic saying

God provides many ways for us to connect with Him through different parts of our body. We put money in the tzedakah (charity) box with our hand; we study Torah with our brain; we pray with our heart; we hear the shofar with our ear; we smell havdalah spices with our nose; we recite blessings with our mouth; we read holy books with our eyes. During Rosh Hashanah (literally “head of the year”) we use our head to elevate our thoughts and change our character. On Yom Kippur we beat our chest, bend our back, and bow to the floor. 

The holiday of Sukkot is unique because during this week, our entire body is engaged in fulfilling God’s will. By simply sitting in the sukkah, we fulfill the will of our Creator. It’s like getting a hug from God!

Image:  Litvak kids in sukkah, 2009

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