
Every chapter, verse, word, and even letter in the Five Books of Moses is filled with meaning and timeless life lessons. Jews read this sacred text from a parchment Torah scroll in synagogue each year, with a different section (parsha) allocated to each week. Year after year we read the same parshas, always finding deeper meanings and new relevance to our lives and the world around us.

Featured in Torah

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  • Toldot Toldot: Righteous Rebecca

    Resisted Evil Influences

  • Chayei Sarah Chayei Sarah: Rebecca’s Ring

    Becoming Complete

  • Yitro Yitro: Royal Treatment

    Standing with Israel

  • Vayera Vayera: Welcoming Guests

    A Little Water

  • Vayera Vayera: Divine Communication

    Knowing When to Argue

  • Ki Tetzei Ki Teitzei: Let the Mother Go

    Protecting God’s Creatures

  • Eikev Eikev: Giving Pleasure to God

    A Pleasing Aroma

  • Beshalach Beshalach: A Prophetic Promise

    Balancing Opposites

  • Bo Bo: A New You

    Reasserting Control

  • Chukat Chukat: The Red Heifer

    The 613 commandments given by God on Mount Sinai are generally divided into two categories: misphatim (laws) and chukim (decrees). Mishpatim are rules with a clear benefit, for example “Do not murder,” “Do not steal.” Chukim defy rational comprehension. The …

  • Korach Korach: Only One Eye

    Korach was a man of great wisdom and status who is driven by jealousy to lead a mutiny against his cousin Moses. Korach accuses Moses of seizing power for himself and his brother Aaron over the rest of the holy …

  • Emor Emor: Guard Your Tongue

    Emor means “speak.” Speech is a powerful force that can be used to hurt or heal others. One of the most serious sins in the Torah is malicious gossip, known as lashon hara (evil tongue). Our Sages teach, “Three does lashon …

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